Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor share new pictures of son Cruz, one week after his birth

Vanderpump Rules alums Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor shared new photos of their newborn son, Cruz, on Instagram, showing the sweet babys face for the first time. The couple welcomed Cruz Michael Cauchi just last week, and if their most recent social media posts are any indication, the couple has been enjoying their parenthood journey

Vanderpump Rules alums Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor shared new photos of their newborn son, Cruz, on Instagram, showing the sweet baby’s face for the first time.

The couple welcomed Cruz Michael Cauchi just last week, and if their most recent social media posts are any indication, the couple has been enjoying their parenthood journey so far.

Cruz is the third baby in the Vanderpump Rules baby boom, and he is set to be the only boy in the group. Lala Kent and Stassi Schroeder both welcomed daughters earlier this year, and as Brittany pointed out, Cruz is set to be a “ladies’ man.”

In the series of photos shared on both Brittany and Jax’s respective Instagram pages, it’s clear that both of his parents adore baby Cruz.

Brittany and Jax share first photos of newborn Cruz’s face

Taking to Instagram, Jax shared a set of pictures of the sweet newborn and gushed about how thrilled he is to be a dad.

“Happy one week to my little man Cruz, the amount of love we have for our son is unmeasurable,” Jax began the caption.

“I can’t believe a week ago today you came into our lives and have changed us forever. Never has a man been more of a man until he has become a father in my opinion, fatherhood is the greatest thing to ever happen, you can’t explain the feeling, it’s like explaining water to some one who’s never felt water,” he continued.

Jax concluded the caption by sharing that he is determined to be the best dad to Cruz and expressed his pride in the newborn.

“Cruz has brought me more joy in the last week than I could of possibly ever imagined. I promise I will use my fathers handbook and give you the best-childhood a boy could ask for. I am already so proud of you son… love Dad,” he wrote.

Brittany also shared her love for Cruz and Jax bought her a ‘push present’

Brittany shared a sweet post of her own over on her Instagram page.

She also shared a series of sweet snaps and captioned the post, “1 week with our sweet beautiful baby Cruz. I never could have imagined a love like this.”

As the couple settles in for the ride of their lives, Jax surprised Brittany with a luxurious push present that has us in awe!

He presented her with a massive blue diamond ring in celebration of the birth of their son.

“Push present to my wife from Cruz and I,” Jax captioned the photo shared to his Instagram stories.

One thing is for sure, baby Cruz is surrounded by plenty of love.

Vanderpump Rules is currently on hiatus on Bravo.

