Kate Middleton refuses free clothes but will accept a discount

Well, we finally have an explanation for why Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge has been recycling outfits so many times over the past month. When shes paying for it, she cheaps out! No, I jest. Waity is not cheap she has surprisingly expensive taste for a young woman who has never held a full-time


Well, we finally have an explanation for why Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge has been recycling outfits so many times over the past month. When she’s paying for it, she cheaps out! No, I jest. Waity is not cheap – she has surprisingly expensive taste for a young woman who has never held a full-time job. People Magazine did a piece a few days ago that was supposed to be about Prince William turning 29 years old, but they ended up getting a scoop on Kate’s style choices – she refuses to take freebees! The hell? Aren’t “the spoils” the whole point of waiting NINE YEARS to become a princess?

He’s celebrated his birthdays in the grand surroundings of Windsor Castle, and had surprise dinner parties organized by Kate during their courtship. So, what’s in store for Prince William’s first birthday as a married man?

William turned 29 Tuesday, and is spending it quietly in his new home of Anglesey, North Wales. Described as a “normal working week” for him, the Prince will be on duty as a search and rescue helicopter pilot.

For William and Kate, also 29, it is an important moment, regardless. “The past two months have been a very significant time in their lives, and ending this period with a Tour of Canada – a country so close to the Royal Family’s heart – is truly fitting,” the couple’s private secretary says.

Meanwhile, Kate’s putting her finishing touches to some of her plans, including her clothing that she’ll need for 11 days of engagements in North America. Royal officials say she may be striking “private agreements” with designers to help build her tour wardrobe.

A spokesman for the couple adds that the Duchess “has a policy not to accept any free offers of clothing. We would never discuss the prices paid for individual items – these will remain private between the Duchess and the designers. She will not receive any special clothing budget for the Canada and California tour.”

[From People]

Ah, I understand. Wink, nudge, etc. Waity isn’t taking “free” stuff, but she’s probably getting a discount that would make all of us balk. Why go through the motions of declaring that she won’t accept free clothes if she’s just going to accept a 90% discount? It probably has to do with this “populist” messaging that Kate and William are attempting.

My prediction has been for months now that this faux populism and “no help” and “no freebees” and “we have a budget too, like normal people” stuff will die a quick death once it becomes too inconvenient. Wait for this Canadian and American tour – Kate’s going to realize in a hurry how difficult it is to travel and do five costume changes a day and be photographed and man-handled and “on” for two weeks straight, and she’s going to be begging for some help. My point is not that Kate and William don’t deserve help – they do. They are public figures, and they need people to help them keep on schedule, keep them organized, and keep them dressed appropriately… AT ALL TIMES.

What annoys me is this populism act, the dichotomy of the messaging – is Kate just a newlywed RAF wife with no job, whose only obligation is making dinner for her new husband, and the occasion spot of shopping? Or are they wealthy, working royals with allowances from their families and a growing list of obligations and endeavors? William is still living by the largesse of the Duchy of Cornwall, and I would bet that the Queen also contributes money for his upkeep. As for Kate – well, she’s never had a proper full-time job, so I have to think the Middleton family are still contributing money to their daughter‘s duchess-y style. Prince Charles pays for the bare-bones staff that William, Kate and Harry have currently, so technically, William doesn’t have “staff” – they’re employed by his father.

Sorry for the rant. My point: if you’re a princess/duchess who is living on handouts from your family, you should probably just take the free clothes being offered without all of the snooty “I don’t take handouts from designers!” nonsense.






Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Fame & WENN.

