Is Dr. Phil Divorced? The Truth Behind The Rumors Rallshe

Dr. Phil McGraw stands as one of the most renowned and impactful TV personalities globally. Known for his show Dr. Phil, where he provides guidance and counseling to individuals dealing with diverse personal and relationship challenges. However, amidst his professional success, questions arise regarding his marital status.

Is Dr. Phil Divorced

Dr. Phil McGraw stands as one of the most renowned and impactful TV personalities globally. Known for his show “Dr. Phil,” where he provides guidance and counseling to individuals dealing with diverse personal and relationship challenges. However, amidst his professional success, questions arise regarding his marital status.

Are the rumors circulating online accurate, suggesting Dr. Phil’s divorce from his wife, Robin McGraw, or do they still cherish their union after over four decades together? This blog post delves into the realities and fictions surrounding the alleged Dr. Phil divorce rumors.

Dr. Phil’s Initial Marriage and Separation

Before delving into Dr. Phil’s present marital status, it’s essential to glance at his prior one. Dr. Phil tied the knot with his high school sweetheart, Debbie Higgins, in 1970, when they were both 20 years old. Unfortunately, their marital bliss was short-lived, culminating in a divorce in 1973.

Higgins, later known as Debbie Higgins McCall, accused Dr. Phil of infidelity and controlling behavior during their marriage. She further alleged his opposition to her career aspirations as a flight attendant, eventually leading to their parting.

Dr. Phil has remained relatively tight-lipped about his first marriage, briefly mentioning it in a 2002 Newsweek cover story. He referred to their union as that of “just kids,” emphasizing their lack of readiness for marriage. Despite the past, he expressed no animosity toward Higgins, extending well wishes. Tragically, Higgins passed away in 2014 after a prolonged battle with cancer.

Dr. Phil’s Second and Ongoing Marriage

Dr. Phil encountered his second and current wife, Robin Jameson, in 1976, while working as a trial consultant in Texas. They exchanged vows later that year and relocated to Los Angeles in 1983, where Dr. Phil commenced his journey as a psychologist and media figure.

The couple shares two sons, Jay and Jordan, both carving paths within the entertainment realm. Jay serves as a TV producer and author, while Jordan explores his talents as a musician and vocalist.

Their marital journey spans 45 years, marked by what appears to be a resilient and affectionate bond. Regularly appearing together on Dr. Phil’s show, they offer insights and reflections on their shared experiences. Moreover, they actively support each other’s ventures and initiatives.

Robin, for instance, launched her lifestyle brand and podcast, with Dr. Phil lending promotional support. Additionally, they co-founded the When Georgia Smiled foundation, dedicated to aiding victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

The Dr. Phil Divorce Speculations

Despite projecting an image of contentment and stability, Dr. Phil and Robin have contended with persistent divorce rumors. Mostly propagated by tabloid outlets like the National Enquirer, these rumors allege various misdeeds by Dr. Phil, including infidelity, mistreatment, and neglect of his wife.

Some reports even speculate on secret divorce arrangements or suggest Robin has penned a tell-all book about their marriage. Nevertheless, these rumors lack substantiation, with Dr. Phil and Robin vehemently denying them and initiating legal action for defamation.

In 2016, they filed a $250 million lawsuit against American Media Inc., the parent company of the National Enquirer, challenging the publication’s dissemination of false and damaging stories. They emphasized the absence of factual basis and the detrimental impact on their reputations and professional pursuits.

Though the lawsuit’s outcome remains undisclosed since its dismissal in 2017, the National Enquirer has notably shifted focus from negative rumors about Dr. Phil and Robin to promotional content concerning Dr. Phil’s show and guests.

Moreover, the couple continues to exhibit public displays of affection and mutual support across social media platforms and public appearances, underscoring the strength of their bond.


In summation, Dr. Phil remains unwed to Robin McGraw, dispelling persistent rumors suggesting otherwise. While he experienced divorce with his first wife, Debbie Higgins, in 1973, his marriage to Robin since 1976 remains steadfast and fulfilling. The divorce rumors predominantly stem from tabloid media outlets, lacking credible sources or evidence.

Dr. Phil and Robin’s legal actions and consistent refutations underscore their commitment to truth and integrity. Consequently, there exists no substantive reason to entertain notions of Dr. Phil’s divorce or marital strife.

