Jennifer Lawrence only watched three minutes of Phantom Thread & turned it off

I actually love it when regular people or celebrities have contrarian opinions about movies. Thats what makes it fun, the arguments about how someone is SO WRONG about such-and-such or yes, you can totally agree with that person that WhatsIt was a terrible movie. Everybodys got an opinion, thats just life. Personally, I thought Three

Jennifer Lawrence out and about in London

I actually love it when regular people or celebrities have contrarian opinions about movies. That’s what makes it fun, the arguments about how someone is SO WRONG about such-and-such or yes, you can totally agree with that person that WhatsIt was a terrible movie. Everybody’s got an opinion, that’s just life. Personally, I thought Three Billboards was problematic AF and the script was utter garbage. Personally, I absolutely loathed The Darkest Hour with every fiber of my being. Personally, I thought Dunkirk was fine-to-good, and I loved Lady Bird and Get Out. So how does Jennifer Lawrence feel about one of the most Oscar-nominated films this year, Phantom Thread? She couldn’t even get through five minutes of it.

Jennifer Lawrence couldn’t get past the first few stitches of Paul Thomas Anderson’s Phantom Thread. The Red Sparrow star, 27, disparaged the critically acclaimed romance, which has been nominated for six Oscars this year, during an appearance on Marc Maron’s WTF podcast.

“I got through about three minutes of it. I put in a good solid three,” she said, adding, “I’m sorry to anybody who loved that movie. I couldn’t give that kind of time. It was three minutes and I was just [oof]… Is it just about clothes?” Lawrence asked Maron. “Is [Lewis’ character] kind of like a narcissistic sociopath and he’s an artist so every girl falls in love him because he makes her feel bad about herself and that’s the love story? I haven’t seen it, so I don’t know. I’ve been down that road, I know what that’s like, I don’t need to watch that movie.”

The actress was quick to clarify that she was not referring to her recent ex Darren Aronofsky, who directed her in mother!

[From EW]

“He’s an artist so every girl falls in love him because he makes her feel bad about herself and that’s the love story?… I’ve been down that road, I know what that’s like, I don’t need to watch that movie.” CoughChrisMartincough. So do you judge J-Law for not even having the patience to allow a slow-paced film wash over her? I wouldn’t judge her so much… if this wasn’t the same awards-season cycle where she hustled for ‘Mother!’ you know? The same movie that was a beat-you-over-the-head Jesus allegory.

Also: during her 60 Minutes interview – the same interview where she declared herself to be a middle-school dropout – she talked about Harvey Weinstein, saying:

“No, he was never inappropriate with me. But what he did is criminal and deplorable. And when it came out and I heard about it, I wanted to kill him. The way that he destroyed so many women’s lives — I wanna see him in jail.”

[From People]

Fair enough. I wanted to hurt him badly after several of those stories. The stories made me physically ill and full of rage, and I wanted to punch his fat rapist face a million times. Can you imagine what that’s like for someone who actually knew him and was around him for years?

Jennifer Lawrence wraps up a press junket at the Ritz Hotel

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

