Molly Wei, Tyler Clementis alleged bully, tells People mag how *shes* doing!

Alleged perpetrators Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei Molly Wei is the insensitive self-righteous Rutgers student (Im striving not to swear, Ill do that in a moment) who allegedly conspired with Tyler Clementis roommate, Dharun Ravi, to live broadcast video over the Internet of Clementi having sex with another guy. The story goes that Tyler asked

Alleged perpetrators Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei

Molly Wei is the insensitive self-righteous Rutgers student (I’m striving not to swear, I’ll do that in a moment) who “allegedly” conspired with Tyler Clementi’s roommate, Dharun Ravi, to live broadcast video over the Internet of Clementi having sex with another guy. The story goes that Tyler asked his roommate, Dharun Ravi, for privacy. Ravi then went down the hall to Wei’s room, turned on his webcam remotely or somehow accessed it, and posted on Twitter that he and Wei were watching Clementi make out with a guy. A couple days later Ravi posted a tweet to his 148 followers suggesting that he would live broadcast another video of Clementi having sex that night. That attempt was unsuccessful but Ravi and Wei had already succeeded in bullying Clementi to death. Clementi updated his Facebook status on September 22 to “Jumping off the gw bridge sorry.” His body was identified about a week later.

In her one public statement about the matter, Wei did not express concern for Clementi’s family or any remorse for her role in the crime. She claimed to be innocent and her lawyer went on to talk about what a promising student Wei was and how she should not “be used to further the agenda of others“.

Ravi and Wei have been charged with two misdemeanors for invasion of privacy and it’s not yet known whether they’ll face hate crime charges. It’s thought that there might not be enough evidence, although we don’t know for sure at this point.

Now Wei is using the tried-and-true “celebrity” method of issuing a statement without owning it. She had a “friend” tell People Magazine that she feels “attacked.” It was all about how she was doing and how she was coping!

Before she entered Rutgers University’s prestigious six-year pharmacy program, Molly Wei was known as a sweet, quiet and smart girl with a love of mahjong.

But three weeks into her freshman year at Rutgers, Wei’s life changed drastically after the suicide of fellow student Tyler Clementi.

“She feels that everyone is attacking her,” a close friend tells PEOPLE after Wei and Clementi’s roommate, Dharun Ravi, were charged with two counts of invasion of privacy for allegedly live streaming on the Internet a sexual encounter between Clementi and another man.

Wei’s friend also says he has read Facebook comments calling her a monster and saying she deserves to burn in hell.

“She is trying to stay optimistic,” he says. “She’s really upset about this, she definitely feels bad, and wishes it didn’t go the way it did.”

If convicted, Wei and Ravi, both pictured in their high school yearbook photos above, face up to five years in prison. But for now, the two have remained silent – and there has been no sign of them or their families for over a week, say neighbors.

According to her friend, Wei is now living the life of a fugitive. “She is going to different places,” he says, “because the media is always at her house.”

Authorities have also subpoenaed Tyler Clementi’s e-mails, a Rutgers spokesman confirmed.

While there are no signs that Ravi and Wei have resumed taking classes at Rutgers, neither of their defense attorneys – nor the university – would comment on their educational status.

[From People]

For argument’s sake, let’s assume that this chick is telling the truth. Even if that’s the case and she had no control over Ravi’s actions, what the f*@% is she doing issuing asinine statements like this? Like we f’ing care that she’s “upset” and feels attacked! How does she think this poor dead kid felt? Saying she “feels bad” and “wishes it didn’t go the way it did” is woefully inadequate and laughable. All she needed to do was to say that this was a terrible tragedy and that her heart goes out to Clementi’s family. She didn’t need to take responsibility if that’s incriminating herself, but instead she’s playing the victim. This is unbelievable. I hope that Ravi, at the very least, gets some serious jail time. I’d say that this stupid bitch should go to jail too, but if she truly had “nothing” to do with this and had no idea that Ravi took over her computer to broadcast Clementi’s private moments then maybe she shouldn’t be charged as an accessory to a hate crime. If she can prove that she had nothing to do with it. As it is, her ridiculous narcissistic statements make me think that she’s exactly the type of person who would participate in such a cruel and hurtful invasion of privacy.

But I’m open to the possibility that I could be wrong, and that my assumptions are based on how mean this was and the fact that this girl’s statements have been very self-centered. Here’s a link to a very well stated counter argument on Wei’s behalf, on the BeyondTheLaw AboveTheLaw blog. If this guy Ravi did just take over her computer and she had no idea what was going on then maybe she is innocent after all. Her statements still make me very angry, though.

Victim Tyler Clementi:

