10 people who look like real-life Barbie dolls

Did you know that there are people who look like real-life Barbie dolls? The Barbie craze is here, and grown-up Barbie lovers can't stop feeling the nostalgia and excitement. Kids growing up back in the times when these dolls started getting popular always wanted to get that beautiful look. This craze made some women around

Did you know that there are people who look like real-life Barbie dolls? The Barbie craze is here, and grown-up Barbie lovers can't stop feeling the nostalgia and excitement.

Kids growing up back in the times when these dolls started getting popular always wanted to get that beautiful look. This craze made some women around the world perform facial transformations using cosmetic surgery and other procedures to look like real-life Barbie. Read on to find out more about them.

People who look like real-life Barbie dolls

Here are the top ten barbie lookalike women around the world:

1) Valeria Lukyanova

Valeria Lukyanova is a Ukrainian model. (Image via Pinterest)

Moldovan-born Valeria Lukyanova is one of the most popular real-life Barbie lookalike women. The 31-year-old model has naturally green eyes. She goes to the gym to maintain her shape and follows a special diet.

2) Angelica Kenova

Angelica Kenova is a psychologist, ballet dancer and model. (Image via Pinterest)

Angelica has gone viral on the internet through Facebook due to her real-life Barbie appearance and has 20K followers on Facebook.

3) Lolita Richi

Lolita Richi claims to be a natural real-life Barbie (Image via Pinterest)

Lolita Richi is 5-foot-4 and has a Barbie-like bra and waist size. She says that she has never undergone any cosmetic surgery to achieve her Barbie doll-like appearance.

4) Lily Cole

Lily Cole was born in the United Kingdom. (Image via Pinterest)

Lily Cole was born on December 27, 1987 in the United Kingdom. It's believed that she has not undergone any cosmetic surgery.

5) Venus Palermo

Venus Isabelle Palermo is a YouTuber. (Image via Pinterest)

Venus is one of the popular real-life Barbie dolls due to her fair color, black hair and doll-like eyes. Her videos are quite popular on YouTube. It cannot be confirmed whether or not she has had cosmetic surgery.

6) Alina Kovaleskaya

Alina is a Ukrainian model who has golden hair (Image via Pinterest)

This Ukrainian model claims that she has not undergone any cosmetic surgery. She says that her small plump lips, small nose and naturally golden hair helped her maintain this look. She uses special contact lenses for her eyes.

7) Dakota Rose

Dakota Rose is a real-life Barbie, who's famous in China and Japan. (Image via Pinterest)

American-born Dakota Rose gained popularity for her Barbie-like look and has featured in several network shows in China and Japan. It's believed that she has not undergone any cosmetic surgery. She uses a lot of makeup to maintain her Barbie look.

8) Lin Ketong

Lin Ketong is not much famous on the internet. (Image via Pinterest)

The Chinese model is one of the lesser-known real-life Barbie dolls in the world. Hence, there's not too much information available about her online. It cannot be confirmed whether she has had cosmetic surgery or it's her natural look.

9) Wang JiaYun

Wang JiaYun is a Korean real-life Barbie. (Image via Pinterest)

Wang JiaYun's photo has been circulating online in Korea, but there are controversies regarding her Barbie look. Many believe that she has either undergone cosmetic surgery or photo editing. It's not clear how she got her look.

10) Alodia Gosiengfiao

Alodia Gosiengfiao is a Filipino award-winning cosplayer. (Image via Pinterest)

Alodia Gosiengfiao is a cosplayer, TV presenter, model, singer and actress. She has been performing since 2003. She has been ranked as the sexiest and most influential Filipino woman manyy times. She's also interested in fashion, video games, photography and art.

Indranil Biswas is a nutritionist and personal trainer with a diploma in dietetics and personal training with a specialization in sports nutrition and strength training.

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