Tom Cruise topless: oddly lumpy, or fabulously hot?

Many of you probably saw some of the Tom Cruise XXX TOPLESS photos on other sites yesterday. Unfortunately, we didnt have access to those special ones of Tom flying around on his wires like a flexible circus act. Instead we have these, of Tom just walking around the Mission: Impossible 4 set shirtless. This is


Many of you probably saw some of the “Tom Cruise XXX TOPLESS” photos on other sites yesterday. Unfortunately, we didn’t have access to those special ones of Tom flying around on his wires like a flexible circus act. Instead we have these, of Tom just walking around the Mission: Impossible 4 set shirtless. This is Tom hanging out. Chilling. It looks like he’s concentrating really hard on something. Perhaps he’s imagining David Beckham licking his nipples. Jesus… that just got me hot! Who knew? Homoerotic fan fiction of Tom Cruise and David Beckham’s alleged coupling turns me on. Now I know.

Now, even though I’m impressed with Tom’s body – he really is in wonderful shape for a man his age – I’m also wondering if anyone else think his stomach is weirdly lumpy? Like, I know some (most) of those lumps are gristly muscles. Some of those lumps really are strange, right?

This one is my favorite. Tom, shirtless and licking his lips over some mysterious fantasy – or maybe he’s just turned on by something on the ground? Probably a photo of a vagina, OF COURSE.




Tom Cruise on October 7, 2010. Photos courtesy of WENN.

